Television Appearances
A Comprehensive List of National, International, and Local Television Appearances of Dr. David Morehouse
As Seen On

- Dr. David Morehouse was a guest on The UnXplained with WIlliam Shatner, Fall 2023, Season 6, Episode 3.
- In 2023, Dr. Morehouse was part of the History Channel—Beyond Skinwalker Ranch Season 1, Episode 3, Online Exclusive Webisode.
- Dr. Morehouse has been interviewed on the Discovery Channel—Unsolved Mysteries, and a second Discovery Channel series titled “Unsolved History” in 2004.
- In October 2004, he was featured on the SYFY Channel’s series, “Proof Positive.”
- His work has also been featured on the History Channel, CBS “60 Minutes,” “ABC 20/20,” “Sightings,” and the, “The Gordon Eliot Show,” with Larry King, Nightline, the Vicki Byron Show, the Vicki Gabereau Show, and a host of others in the US and Canada.
- In the UK, he has been seen on London Weekend Television, the Sir David Frost—Beyond Belief, the BBC Weekly News, the Selina Scott Show, the Gordon Ashley show, Channel One: Paint it Red, This Morning with Richard and Judy, the Sky Book show, with David Freeman’s Psychic World, and numerous others.
See the appearance of Dr. David Morehouse
– Special Online Exclusive –

- The UnXplained with William Shatner, The History Channel, Season 6, Episode 3 (2023).
- Proof Positive—The SYFY channel, Season 1, Episode 3, (2004).
- Unsolved History—The Discovery Channel, Season 2, Episode 17 (On Amazon listed Season 3, Episode 5), “Ninjas” (2004).
- FOX News San Diego—A thirty-minute television presentation on the nature of United States Military Special Operations Forces, e.g., Rangers; Green Berets; US Navy SEALS; USAF 1st Special Operations Wing; the US Army Task Force 160 Helicopters, and their impending role in America’s Global War on Terrorism.
- The Wisdom Network—A new Time Warner Cable channel. taped a two-hour interview with Dr. Morehouse covering both his personal “soul survival story” and his teaching of Remote Viewing. (2002)
- Strange But True? – (1997) S4, E3, Portrayed Self
- “Sightings” (syndicated), (July 1996) According to Producer Chris Mendel, “…it was the longest and most powerful segment in the show’s history.” The Gordon Elliott Show—for “Sweeps,” in MAY 1997.
- Unsolved Mysteries—Season 9, episode 17, (May 1998). This program was a $100,000.00 dollar segment that to date holds the record for being the most expensive and longest segment in the syndicated television show’s history—focused entirely on Dave Morehouse and the Psychic Warfare unit.
- FOX 11 Evening News & Good Day LA—For “Sweeps,” June 1998, this segment became the longest segment in FOX News history. The story began as a (4-min.) spot and became a two-part eight-minute segment. The segment eventually won a coveted Emmy during the “Sweeps.”
- The URI Geller (PSI Force) Infomercial—July 1998, produced by Schulberg Media Works of San Francisco. David is the central anchor supporting Uri Geller’s Infomercial. The book, Psychic Warrior is displayed and talked about four times during the one-hour infomercial, as is, Nonlethal Weapons: War Without Death. Beginning in August 1997, the infomercial aired weekly for a period of six months on every network: CBS, ABC, NBC, FOX, and UPN.
- Public Television (PBS) Special (Authors of Note)—July 1997, a Public Broadcast System (PBS) special which interviews fourteen authors in one-hour segments. The television special was designed to air monthly on PBS, with David being interviewed for a one-hour segment covering his story as a strategic deceiver, counter narcotics officers, and special operations military officer.
- Millennial Prophecies: A Turner Network Television (TNT) Production—April 1997, a special about the military, space, Remote Viewing, and weaponry for the coming millennium.
- Not the Usual Suspects—A pilot series for CNBC produced by PARCO Productions in New York. The series pilot used selected non-fiction and fiction authors to address current world issues. David is featured as a regular panel member.
- The Rolanda Show—December 1996.
- London Weekend Television—August 1997, the British equivalent to Unsolved Mysteries.
- The Sir David Frost Show-live: Produced by David Paradine Productions Limited—the show aired March 1997 in the UK and Western Europe before fifteen million television viewers.
- The BBC Weekly News—London (UK), (30 minutes).
- The Bynon Show (CTV)—A thirty-minute interview aired across Canada.
- The Vicki Gabereau Show (CTV)—A twenty-one-minute segment aired across Canada.
- The Salina Scott Show—London (UK), (1 hour).
- The Gordon Ashley Show—London (UK), interviewed for a live twelve-minute segment.
- Channel One: Paint It Red—London (UK), interviewed for a live thirty-minute segment.
- This Morning With Richard & Judy—London (UK), interviewed for a live thirty-minute segment.
- Sky Book Show—with David Freeman, London (UK), (1 hour).
- Psychic World—Matthew Hutton, London (UK), (1 hour).

- New Jersey’s Talking—Woodbridge (NJ) Interviewed for a live twenty-minute segment.
- Texas Talking—Interviewed for a (taped) four-minute segment.
- Good Day LA—Interviewed and special two-part segment. The producers of Good Day LA entered the segment into Emmy Competition—and won!
- Portland, Oregon—Interviewed by Danny Bonaduchi for a (live) ten-minute segment.
- Seattle Town Hall—Interview in the show’s “hot seat” for one-hour.
- The Judy Carlisle Show—Seattle, WA, David was interviewed and answered questions from the audience.
- Good Day Atlanta—Interviewed for a (live) four-minute segment.
- Channel Five News—Lancaster (CA), interviewed for a (taped) ten-minute segment.
- Channel Seven News—Kansas City (KS), interviewed for a (taped) five-minute segment.
- Channel Three News—Baltimore (MD), interviewed for a (taped) thirty-minute segment.
- Channel Five News—Baltimore (MD), interviewed for a special segment on “Cops and Psychics.” The segment featured Psychic Warrior and interviews from several police officers that had worked with David over the past year to solve crimes in Central New Jersey and the Baltimore area.
- Houston’s Talking—Houston (TX), interviewed for a (taped) five-minute segment.
- Entertainment Tonight—Hollywood (CA), a brief segment featuring the cover of Psychic Warrior and announcing Interscope and Polygram’s intentions to use Sylvester Stallone in the making of “Comes The Watcher” a movie based on Psychic Warrior.
- KNWS—TV, Morning News—Houston (TX), interviewed for a (live) six-minute segment.
- KIRO—TV, 7 Live—Seattle (WA), interviewed for a (live) five-minute segment.
- KOMO—TV, Northwest Afternoon—Seattle (WA), interviewed for a (taped) one-hour show.
- Channel 7 Fox News—San Diego (CA), interviewed for a seven-minute segment.