Keynote and Event Speaker

Dr. Morehouse lectures on Science, Transformation, History, Business Creativity, the Power of Intention, Remote Viewing, and more!


Dr. David Morehouse presents to academic and non-academic audiences of variable sizes, including venues exceeding 8,000 people.

A Spectrum of Venues Where Dr. Morehouse has Presented

  • Australian Institute for Parapsychology Research, Virtual (2023) David is a keynote presenter on several subjects within the title, “A Journey into Consciousness,” for six hours over two days.
  • Mind, Body & Soul Expo in Toronto, Canada (2000, 2001, 2003, 2004) David was a keynote speaker on various topics focused on individual and collective human awareness, potential, wellbeing, and purpose.
  • Holistic Health and Healing EXPO, New York City, Manhattan (2004, 2005, 2006) David was a keynote speaker on “The Power of Intention,” “Mastery of the Moment,” and “Quantum Physics of Quantum Mind.”
  • The Omega Institute, Rhinebeck, New York (1998—2005) David lectured to faculty and staff and taught four different levels of Remote Viewing courses to thousands of students.
  • International Studies Association Conference, Montreal, Canada (2004, 2005) David was invited by an NGO to present on “Alternative Methods of Conflict Resolution.”
  • Dream Conference, Royal Albert Hall, London, UK (2000, 2001) David presented the topic, “Quantum Mechanical Interpretations of the Holographic Matric Field,” to the audience.
  • The Crossings, Austin, Texas (2002-2005), David presented on multiple topics, including The Guardian Program, Finding Your Purpose and Knowing Your Calling, Ten Rules for Life, the Enemies Within and Without, the Power of Intention, Understanding Your Role in the Physics of the Moment.


  • The Mikhail Gorbachev State of the World Forum, the Fairmont San Francisco (1996), Dr. Morehouse’s book Nonlethal Weapons: War Without Death, is globally recognized, inspiring the former President of the Soviet Union, Mikhail Gorbachev, to invite Dr. Morehouse to be a keynote speaker on “Alternative Methods of Conflict Resolution,” which was attended by hundreds of world leaders in science, politics, and spirituality.
  • Stanford Business Graduate School, Stanford University, Stanford, CA (2003, 2004) David was invited to present on “Human Intuition and Empowerment w/ Practical Applications in Business” to the students of Professor Michael Ray’s “Creativity in Business” course.
  • The Power Within Expo, Vancouver BC and Toronto, Canada (2001, 2002, 2003) David presented onstage with Marianne Williamson, Dan Millman, Jack Canfield, and others on topics of human promise, possibility, and purpose.
  • University of Essex, Colchester, UK (1998, 1999) David lectured on the protocols of Remote Viewing, the history of its use in intelligence collection, and the physics behind—the phenomenon.
  • Deepak Chopra’s “The Human Forum Conference” Puerto Rico (2006) Dr. Morehouse lectured on the long-term adverse effects of first-person shooter games, violence in television and film, and the inability of the adolescent mind to differentiate between physical reality and digital reality.

Dr. Morehouse’s Popular Talk Topics Audiences Love

Remote Viewing & Intelligence Collection

• Remote Viewing as a former Cold War CIA/DIA DS-T, Trained Operational Remote Viewer
• Government Intelligence Operations, How and Why They Function as They do:

– OSS and the CIA: The Measurement of Men
– National Security Agency: Yes, We Are Listening, Capturing, and Storing Everything
– Defense Intelligence Agency: They Are Far More Than You Think They Are

• Life Inside Government Special Access Programs (SAPs): Royal Cape (The Activity); Star Gate (Remote Viewers); Torn Image (Strategic Deception)


• Personal & Collective Transformation: The Tools, Philosophy & Purpose
• The Moment and the Global Societal Evolution
• The Power of Intention: Living an Authentic or Inauthentic Life
• Thought Incubation: The Tools, Origins, Philosophy & Purpose
• You are Born with All You Need to be Great!
• From Believing to Knowing: A Global and Individual Perspective
• Creativity in Business: Intuition as a Tool in Business

Emerging & Supporting Sciences

• The Physics of the Metaphysics: Quantum Physics and the Quantum Mind
• Critical Mass in Human Transformation: How a Few Can Change the World
• Morphic Resonance and the Holographic Matrix Field
• The Power of Music: Science, Emotion, and the Human Brain & Heart

History: Past, Present & Future

• Global History: The Global Agenda of Mankind
• American History: Where Did We Go Wrong?
• Military History: War and Why We Fight
• The Four Turnings: Connection to Individual and Collective Moments and the Mind of Man
• Free Agency: Why Aliens Will Not Save Humanity
• Education in America
• The Pendulum Swings Both Ways: Cuts Both Ways Too (The Forces Driving Liberal & Conservative Ideologies)
• Life in the Wake of Lunacy: I Used to Say It Could be Worse, I Hate Being Right
• Absolutism in Anything: Thoughts on Extremist Views in Academics and Science

– The quest to destroy all dissenters by any means possible.
– The combining of corporate agendas, academic influences, with judgments on historical cultures to drive current agendas, e.g., ecocide, climate change, and more.

High Strangeness

• UFOs and The Alien Agenda: Insights into the Agenda
• Religion & Spirituality: Promise and Possibility or Folly
• Occult & Paranormal: Cults, Ghosts, Mediums, and all manner of High Strangeness
• Conspiracy Theory: Useful or a Waste of Our Time?
• History & Unexplained Mysteries: From the Non-Physical Eyes of a Government Remote Viewer
• Government Control of the Truth
• The Profits in Saying Any Damn Thing Without Any Damn Evidence
• Thoughts on Why Governments Might Not Share Secrets with the Public

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Unlock the full spectrum of human potential with the expert knowledge and cutting-edge science that Dr. David Morehouse brings to every audience. Dr. Morehouse is ready to speak at your event, either in person or virtual. His calendar fills up fast, so reach out and let us know the details as soon as possible.