Coordinate Remote Viewing (CRV)

Beginner • 6-Day Course


The Comprehensive Six-Day Coordinate Remote Viewing Course (CRV) is a basic training program designed for graduates of the Introduction to Remote Viewing course. All training is led by Dr. David Morehouse. This immersive course provides participants with the knowledge, skills, and techniques required to become familiar with the protocols of Coordinate Remote Viewing (CRV).

What You’ll Learn

  1. Master the Fundamentals of Coordinate Remote Viewing Stages I-VI:
    Learn from Dr. David Morehouse, who brings decades of operational military insights and expertise to the course content, helping you gain a solid understanding of the foundational principles and key concepts essential to CRV.
  2. Hands-On Practical Experience:
    Engage in real-world, hands-on targets that reinforce theoretical knowledge and provide practical skills.
  3. Interactive Learning Modules:
    Experience dynamic and interactive learning modules, including multimedia content, handouts, small group feedback, and discussions, to keep the learning process engaging and stimulating.
  4. Personalized Feedback:
    Receive personalized feedback from Dr. David Morehouse and his certified small group leaders to enhance your understanding and proficiency in applying concepts learned throughout the course. Connect with a community of like-minded individuals, fostering networking opportunities and the chance to collaborate with others.

Course Outline

CRV Phase-One (3-Day) Course Begins

Day One (Didactic & Practicum):
  • Coordinate Remote Viewing Theory and Process
  • Historical Context and Development of Coordinate Remote Viewing
  • Origins of Enhanced Human Performance Potentials
  • Taskforce Delta Think Tank
  • The First Earth Battalion
  • The Boyd Cycle
  • CIA, DIA DT-S, INSCOM, Gateway
    Skeptics, Science, and the Truth
  • Dr. Jessica Utts and the Relevance of Remote Viewing
  • The Speed of Human Thought
  • Human Neural Capacity
  • Q&A with Dr. Morehouse

Lunch Break (1-Hour)


  • Q&A with Dr. Morehouse
  • Interpretations in Quantum Physics and the Quantum Mind
  • The Physics of Consciousness
  • Energy is Everything and Everything is Energy
  • Particle Wave Theory
  • The Holographic Matrix Field
  • The Moment (Individual & Collective)
  • The Event Arc of Time
  • The Power of Intention
  • Performance & Retention Curves
  • Introduction to CRV Protocols
  • Understanding the Stages of CRV
  • Gestalt Theory & Applications in CRV
  • Introduction to Stage-One Theory in CRV
  • Stage-I Ideogram & Decoding
  • Practical Exercises
  • Q&A with Dr. Morehouse
Day Two (Didactic & Practicum):
  • Q&A with Dr. Morehouse
  • Primary and Nonprimary Modalities of Perception
  • The Cooldown Process
  • Techniques for Focus and Concentration
  • Introduction to Stage-II Protocols
  • The CRV Summary Format and Process
  • Stage-II Practical Exercise (#1) (Complex Target Gestalt)

Lunch Break (1-Hour)


  • Small Group Meeting & Data Sharing
  • Class Target Feedback with Dr. Morehouse
  • Q&A with Dr. Morehouse
  • Stage-II Practical Exercise (#2) (Complex Target Gestalt)
  • Small Group Meeting & Data Sharing
  • Class Target Feedback with Dr. Morehouse
  • Q&A with Dr. Morehouse
  • Introduction to Stage-III Protocols
Day Three (Didactic & Practicum):
  • Q&A with Dr. Morehouse
  • Building Viewer Skills and Abilities—Looking Forward
  • Enhancing Mental Receptivity and Intuitive Abilities
  • Strengthening Visualization Skills
    Understanding Imagination (Analytical Overlay)
  • Quieting the Mind, Understanding & Managing Aesthetic & Emotional Impact
  • Review Stage-III Protocols
    Introduction to Stage-III Summary Process
  • Stage-III Practical Exercise (#1) (Complex Target Gestalt)

Lunch Break (1-Hour)


  • Small Group Meeting & Data Sharing
    Class Target Feedback with Dr. Morehouse
  • Q&A with Dr. Morehouse
    Introduction to Stage-IV Protocols
    Emphasis on Emotional Impact, Aesthetic Impact & Intangibles
  • Phase-One Final Q&A with Dr. Morehouse
  • CRV Phase-One Course Break

Course Continues…

CRV Phase-Two (3-Day) 

(CRV Phase-Two Begins the following Fri/Sat/Sun after Phase-One)


Day Four (Didactic & Practicum):
  • Q&A with Dr. Morehouse
  • Review of Stage I-III Protocols & Transitions
  • Review of Stage-IV Protocols
  • Introduction to Stage-IV Summary Process
  • Stage-III (Stage-IV possible)
  • Practical Exercise (#2) (Complex Target Gestalt)

Lunch Break (1-Hour)


  • Small Group Meeting & Data Sharing
  • Class Target Feedback with Dr. Morehouse
  • Q&A with Dr. Morehouse
  • Stage-IV Practical Exercise (#1) (Complex Target Gestalt)
  • Small Group Meeting & Data Sharing
  • Class Target Feedback with Dr. Morehouse
  • Q&A with Dr. Morehouse
Day Five (Didactic & Practicum):
  • Q&A with Dr. Morehouse
  • Review of Stage I-IV Protocols & Transitions
  • Stage-IV Practical Exercise (#2) (Complex Target Gestalt)
  • Small Group Meeting & Data Sharing
  • Class Target Feedback with Dr. Morehouse
  • Q&A with Dr. Morehouse
  • Introduction to Stage-V Protocols

Lunch Break (1-Hour)


  • Q&A with Dr. Morehouse
  • Review of Stage-V Protocols & Summary Process
  • Stage-V Practical Exercise (#1) (Complex Target Gestalt)
  • Small Group Meeting & Data Sharing
  • Class Target Feedback with Dr. Morehouse
  • Q&A with Dr. Morehouse
  • Introduction to Stage-VI Protocols
Day Six (Didactic & Practicum):
  • Q&A with Dr. Morehouse
  • Review of Stages I-V, Protocols & Transitions
  • Review of Stage-VI Protocols & Summary Process
  • Stage-V (Stage-VI possible) Practical Exercise (#2) (Complex Target Gestalt)
  • Small Group Meeting & Data Sharing
    Class Target Feedback with Dr. Morehouse
  • Q&A with Dr. Morehouse

Lunch Break (1-Hour)


  • Q&A with Dr. Morehouse
  • Stage-VI Practical Exercise (#1) (Complex Target Gestalt)
  • Small Group Meeting & Data Sharing
    Class Target Feedback with Dr. Morehouse
  • Q&A with Dr. Morehouse
  • Final Remarks by Dr. Morehouse & Course Graduation
Coordinate Remote Viewing (CRV)

This immersive course provides participants with the knowledge, skills, and techniques required to become familiar with the protocols of Coordinate Remote Viewing (CRV).


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6-Day Course (8-10 hours per day)

Daily Time: 9am - 6pm Eastern (U.S. Time Zone)

Dr. David Morehouse - Instructor

  • IRV Recommended

Dr. David Morehouse is the author of the 400-page training manual Coordinate Remote Viewing: The Complete User’s Manual for Coordinate Remote Viewing. This is intended to serve as the CRV course manual. It is highly recommended participants purchase and review this reference before the start of training. It will be a valued reference both during and after the training.

Included With Every Class

Exclusive Online Platform Access

Unlock a dedicated portal for seamless material distribution and access the pre-course curriculum, enhancing your training experience with Dr. Morehouse.

Live Virtual Sessions

Immerse yourself in dynamic, real-time courses led by Dr. David Morehouse, Ph.D., through the interactive platform Zoom.

Live Q&A Sessions

Dr. Morehouse personally conducts all training sessions, incorporating engaging live interactive Question and Answer segments to ensure every participant comprehensively grasps the course material.

Comprehensive Course Resources

Each module comes complete with downloadable handouts and supplementary materials meticulously curated by Dr. Morehouse for an enriched learning experience.

Guided Relaxation Audio

Access an exclusive MP3 collection of Dr. Morehouse’s specially engineered Cool Down meditation series for each training course, designed to aid students in achieving the optimal brainwave state as an integral part of their training.

Hands-On Learning Experience

Each course integrates practical exercises, known as targets, comprising intricate gestalts. Receive comprehensive feedback, including video and written insights, to effectively enhance your learning journey and progress through each training module.

Expanded Learning Materials

Dr. Morehouse will offer curated recommendations for supplementary resources, including books and other relevant reading materials, to further enrich your knowledge where applicable.

Official Training Certification

Upon successful completion and passing of Dr. David Morehouse’s training courses, students will receive a prestigious certificate acknowledging their accomplishment.

Ongoing Support Membership

As graduates, students gain exclusive access to Dr. Morehouse throughout the year with a subscription offering regularly scheduled Q&A interactions and valuable Remote Viewing skills advice.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to take any courses prior to this one?

Participants in this course of instruction should have already taken the “Introduction to Remote Viewing,” the one-day course, by Dr. Morehouse, where they have determined for themselves that Coordinate Remote Viewing, is the desired and logical progression in their personal training journey.

How long do I have access to the course?

The course is a six-day live Zoom course that is recorded; after the sixth day, it is completed. The recorded course will be made available to participants for thirty-days for review purposes. We understand that your classmates in a course become your community and the questions asked, the target results shared, etc., are things that will help your review. However, this recording cannot be downloaded and shared, and the thirty-day limit is a hard expiration. If at any time you wish to retake the course, you can do so at a graduate student refresher rate, which is a reduced rate from the course price.

What are the Technology Requirements?

This course is conducted entirely on the Zoom platform, where each participant must have a good internet connection, web camera, and microphone. If you have insufficient bandwidth (Mbps) you may experience challenges in staying connected. The Zoom platform is absolutely the best at minimizing these challenges; however, people using DSL or satellite internet, which can be intermittent have met with marginal internet performance.

Participants will also be required to log into our online portal, which is the David Morehouse, Inc’s (DMI) learning platform for submission of target Summaries and full Target Sessions (this will all be explained at the time of registration via a PDF handout and on the first day of class via video).

There is a good deal of science and physics covered in this course; do I need proficiency in these areas to attend?

No, you do not need any level of proficiency in these areas of instruction. Dr. Morehouse lectures on these topics, using embedded diagrams, videos, and 3D modeling to help participants understand, in lay terms, how current interpretations in quantum physics can be used to explain the quantum mind of the Remote Viewer. He lectures on these topics in front of theoretical physicists, physicians, and other scientists internationally and is applauded for his ability to distill the information down to logical, easy-to-understand applications to the work of the Remote Viewer.

Learning Remote Viewing does not require skill or knowledge in these areas. However, it has been determined that listening to these explanations and interpretations as to “how” a Remote Viewer can do what they are asked to do, helps participants lessen self-ascribed doubt of themselves or of the process they are engaging.

Do not worry about anything related to these training topics; you will come away with information and insights that will only help you understand the journey before you.

I’m already considered highly intuitive and clairvoyant; will that help my performance in this course?

These “abilities” will neither help nor hinder you if you follow Dr. Morehouse’s guidance. David will explain to you the rules of Remote Viewing, and he will expect you to adhere to them always. He will also explain that it is best for anyone who identifies as “gifted” in these areas to leave all of that outside of the classroom. Your job here is to listen, learn, practice, share, take feedback on your results; and then move on to the next level of instruction. The class will never be a competition for accuracy or best performer; it is all much bigger than that.

The best practice is to forget what you think you know and open yourself to this methodology. Play full out and learn something new. What you learn may validate your other work or confirm it. Regardless, the objective in this class is to illustrate the value of the collective, not the individual.

David makes clear that Remote Viewing results, especially Coordinate Remote Viewing must be evaluated empirically, not anecdotally. Therefore, until your results in Remote Viewing are measured using video and written feedback, against known quantifiable attributes about the target, you will not have empirical evidence of your findings. Further, your results must be analyzed and correlated with the work of your classmates. This is accomplished in the “Small Group Session” first, followed by the “Viewer’s Grand Summary” with David during the final step where the entire class’s session data is presented.

I’m a previous student and have taken David Morehouse’s course before. Can I retake it?

Previous CRV & ERV Students trained by David are welcome as “Refresher Students.” It is not unusual for trained Remote Viewers to circle back as the need arises to refresh and capture new aspects of a complex training paradigm that may have been missed years ago during formal instruction. The information, techniques, science, and academic delivery all change over time; therefore, renewal is encouraged at the Viewer’s convenience.

Is this ever a live in-person course versus a virtual course?

This course has been taught live as a six-day course with instruction at a venue for decades. However, a live course is unlikely given the current environment financials for venues, lodging, travel, etc. Currently, David only teaches on Zoom to minimize time and costs to our students. This process has proven advantageous to everyone, and the tools available to David are unlimited, ensuring an ultimate training delivery and experience for the individual and collective whole.

Is this course ever taught for six days in a row?

This course is typically not taught as a seamless six-day course; due to the costs of travel, lodging, transportation, and meals to students. The preferred schedule identified by students has been to schedule Phase-One (three-days) over a Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, followed by Phase-Two (three-days) over an additional Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, the following week. This two-weekend structure minimizes work loss for most students and, therefore, is the most desirable option.

Do you offer courses based on various time zones?

These classes are offered via Zoom which means people around the globe can sign up for them spanning multiple time zones, which can be problematic for some students. Therefore, the DMI Team endeavors to balance the time to minimize the impact on all students.

While this is not a guarantee, the DMI Team will do their best to balance the hours of the class by adjusting start and end times to accommodate the span of time zones whenever possible. Please bear in mind when registering for any course, that DMI is a U.S. corporation located in the Eastern time zone, and the times are typically 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM (plus).

If you have a specific group, for a specific class, in a time zone other than the United States’ Eastern time zone, and you would like to have David teach the class in that time zone, please contact the DMI Team.

Is there any recommended Reading for this course?

Dr. David Morehouse is the author of the 400-page training manual Coordinate Remote Viewing: The Complete User’s Manual for Coordinate Remote Viewing. This manual is not intended as a stand-alone learning tool; it is intended to serve as the CRV course manual. It is highly recommended participants purchase and review this reference before the start of training. It will be a valued reference both during and after the training.

You can purchase from various book-selling sites, including Amazon.

If you’d like a hard copy of the book (no longer available for sale from major resellers), DMI has a limited number of them available. Also, if you would like your copy signed by David, he would be happy to do that for participants.

Still Have Questions?

If you have a question, we haven’t addressed no problem! Contact us, and we’ll get back to you with an answer.

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(702) 329-3142

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